Many of you may have heard by now about the terrible storm that plagued the East coast...I was disraut these last couple of days. Not having power for will do that to you; especially when the loss turns from hours to days. I'm currently at work enjoying the power being provided by backup generator; filling my stomach with the food they provided; making sure my phone stays at 100% for the journey home and beyond and using the wifi to stay abreast of the situation. Oh, I also got to take a nice hot shower and wash my hair before I started my shift. Guess there are some perks to having a job that will be up and running no matter what.
Anywho, I was doing GREAT on my journey. Well, not 100% as I have yet begun to implement exercise in my regimen but great in the sense that I stayed strong in the face of temptaion and I made it a week+ on journey and my willpower stayed strong and I stayed focus. I have been without electricity since Monday night and my first time cheating on my diet was last night. I had some donuts after driving around and serching for...ANYTHING, that would make the state my city was left in seem less despairing. I found nothing; No open gas stations, restaurants...all street lights were out. Even Walmart was closed....WALMART so of course that means the end of the world right? Lol.
On a more serious note, I'm REALLY hoping the power is restored much sooner rather than later for obvious reasons but mostly because I fear the longer I'm off track the harder it will be to get back on course. *sigh*
My friends, family and I need a miracle guys so if you're reading this, please pray for us!
P.S. I really hope I'm not undoing all of my progress. I will continue to limit junk food and stay away from carbs for as long as possible.
Stay safe my Belles,
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