Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Transformation Tuesdays

First off, I attempted to make this post YESTERDAY but for some reason the picture import wasn't working...Google/blogger need to get they life

Hey guys, sorry I've been gone a few weeks. That usually means I'm not as on point or dedicated as I should be but I am happy to report that it's NOT the case this time. I'm on day 7 of P90X and while I am sore, I'm LOVING it!. The program isn't as hard as I (or a lot of ppl) make it out to be. YES, the workouts are over an hour long BUT the time flies when you're doing strength training...Plyo (and cardio and kenpo) are a whole other story! An hour of that will have ANYBODY looking at the counter, pleading with it to hit the last 3 minutes for the cool-down lol. Today is my rest day and I am SOOOO glad it is! EVERY part of my body hurts but it's a good pain because I know it's changing. I have been following two of their nutrition guidlines; having ONE serving of carbs a day and ONE fruit a day. The rest is protein and veggies and so far so good. I was craving crabsticks with french fries slathered in tartar sauce and ketchup so that was gonna be my treat meal but my bae really wants to take me out because I deserve it so we're going to Cheeseburger in Paradise. I've never been there but if I give up my cravings for that cheeseburger in paradise I hope it's worth it lol. Anyways, on to the transformations.

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