Monday, December 31, 2012


I once heard that resolutions are made to be broken and for that reason, I don't resolve to do anything. I do have goals for the year that'll try my hardest to stick to. As I get older, I realize more and more how precious time is and I don't want to waste any more of it. THIS will be the year I reach my goal weight and I can attest to that. I first started my weight loss journey on January 16, 2009...MY HOW TIME FLIES!!!! I must've gained and lost over 150lbs in that time frame but one thing I am proud of is I haven't gained back ALL or even half of the original 87 that I've loss and for that I am thankful. I started this journey wanting to lose HALF my body weight but over time I realized that while I can make that weight with excruciating hard work and dedication, but it would be ridiculously hard/damn near impossible to maintain. I've settled on getting down to 161 which is roughly 70 pounds away. I hope to reach that goal by mid-June.

Other goals I have for the year are to learn Spanish and to FINALLY finish my manuscript.

Here's to finally getting it right in 2013!!!

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