When I first got my Instagram, I found that I was more diligent in posting when I had themed days. I had "WTF Wednesdays" where I posted pics that when you viewed them you couldn't help but ask "WTF???"; "Thinspiration Thursdays" where I posted before and afters, healthy dishes and inspirational quotes; Lastly, I had "Fashion Fridays" where I posted all things fashion related that I thought were HOT. If you're interested in seeing any of that, follow me on Instagram @bitchy_bella
This pic is without a doubt one of my most favorite before & afters for obvious reasons. My own holds a special place in my heart even though it's a before and DURING because it shows me where I started and how far I have come. This one is just as close to me as it shows me ANYTHING is possible and that with hard work and determination, even I can acheieve the body of my dreams. In her after, one could assume that she's been in shape her entire life and that she's a great athlete and that she had to be born with a great foundation (small frame/naturally thin) to look that way but NO! She knew what she wanted and she worked her ASS off (literally) to get it. I want this! I wish I knew who she was or if she has a blog because I would literally STALK it. *sigh* My time will come...
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