Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Checking In....

Hey guys, I know I missed a check-in last week buuuuut that is because I am annoyed with my results. I gained .2 lbs and that week, I was pretty darn good. I worked out 3x that week and stayed within my guidelines so I was disappointed, frustrated and hella annoyed to say the least. Idk what to do at this point...I am obviously not going to give up on my journey but something has to give. I think I just need to face the fact that low carbing is the only thing that works for me. That's a hard pill to swallow because it is quite difficult being so restricted all the time. *sigh*....maybe I just need to carb cycle and actually DO it. I say I am going to cycle and I end up staying at the same levels and then falling off so this time I'm gonna give it a TRUE effort to adjust my levels. Starting today I'm staying below 40-50 and by the weekend I'll allow myself to have 80-90 and hope the scale moves in the right direction....well, thats all for now. 


  1. I know what you mean just take it a week at a time. This weight loss journey is a struggle but we will get there.


  2. I'm stalling as well girl.

    -le sigh-

    this journey is full of ups and downs but I am sure you and I both will get through this <3

  3. Thanks for the support ladies :)

  4. Take it easy...even though I know it is not always the case! All the best!


  5. Thanks Stella! Funny thing, I was reading your blog as you were posting that comment lol. Beautiful pics as always hun <3

  6. You're not the only one, I'm struggling balancing holiday and healthy journey as well! Just remember to keep pushing forward!

  7. I know, I know! Trick is not to have unhealthy food in the house. I have banned myself from buying dodgy food but not from eating it. I tend to have more control when I am eating other peoples 'bad' food. I take a banana and water in my bag and that seems to stave the hunger pangs. Christmas is over now.. come on lady!!!
