So apparently it's neither tuesday nor friday but because I missed those updates I figured I'd play catch-up.
Transformation Tuesday
She lost 140 pounds through weight loss surgery. I normally like to promote natural methods of weightloss but this pic is truly inspiring. I added a "natural" before and after (whatever that means) cause there's just something more inspiring about doing it on your own...
Weight update
So friday I did weigh in as planned and I didn't report it because it was newsworthy...I know, I know, I said I'd post anyway so here it is. 3 days after my start date, I was down 3 pounds. So you could imagine my surprise when I stepped on the scale on weigh-in day 2 pounds heavier than what I weighed 4 days before but 1 pound less than when I started. NO, I did not cheat but I may have been guilty of undereating but that always happen when I low carb, I simply don't have an appetite. Anywho, I keep trying to do the scale thing for you guys but it seriously does more harm than good and Idk when I'mma learn my lesson smh. Just as soon as it started, my weight updates are over until I can learn not to let its numbers effect. I will instead update my week as a grading system (just thought of this). I will give myself a letter grade or even a score of 1-10 for my performance during the week. My grade will depend on whether or not my diet remained on point and the amount of times I exercised. I will also give myself different extra credit tasks throughout each week such as drinking more water, being more diligent in taking my vitamins and whatever else will help me reach my goals faster. That's about it for now...

If you're like me, this ^ message is important---XOXO Bella D.
P.S-This was me in Miami last year...I had no gurdle and I was at my lowest weight EVER. THIS pic reminds me of what I've done AND what I can do. I will continue to strive for this and then surpass it...